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5 of the best places in Madrid for taking pictures

In the near future, you’ll be heading off on a long-awaited holiday to Spain, and as an avid hobby photographer, you are beyond thrilled. With numerous peaks, scenic coastlines that are easy on the eyes, and a variety of Moorish architecture that is measurably different from the building styles in the rest of Europe.
As an avid culture hunter though, you have decided to spend a healthy chunk of your trip in Madrid, Spain’s capital. This city has an abundance of museums, plazas, and other outstanding public spaces, making it an urbanist’s dream.
Once you learn how to get how to get cheap internet in Madrid, the sky is the limit for getting all kinds of killer snaps around one of the most culturally significant cities in Spain, as you’ll be able to upload them to the cloud and your other devices seamlessly as you go.
Since you aren’t a local though, knowing exactly where to get the best pictures in the Spanish capital is likely a mystery to you. If you aren’t in the know about the best places in Madrid for taking pictures, these five vantage points will have your friends, family and co-workers dumbfounded over how you got so many mind-blowing shots on your holiday in Spain.
Let’s jump right into it…
1) Plaza de Cibeles
While Plaza Mayor and Puerta del Sol are very popular squares within Madrid and boast many photographic opportunities, they are all surpassed by Plaza de Cibeles in terms of sheer opulent beauty. Punctuated by a white marble fountain depicting a Roman fertility goddess riding a chariot pulled by lions, this square lays before one of the world’s most ornate city hall, giving you a million possibilities for the perfect photo, especially at night.
2) Palacio Real
Next up on your journey should be the Palacio Real, or Royal Palace. While photography is not allowed inside, the power of the exterior alone makes it worth the trip, as its sheer scale will make your head spin with the level of wealth to which royals are accustomed.
3) Mercado de San Miguel
Fancy yourself a fan of food pics? If you love to snap photos of food as much as you love to nosh on it, then you love a stroll through Mercado de San Miguel. Inside, the kaleidoscope of colors from the array of fruits and vegetables, and the alluring smell of baked goods and cured ham will make it hard to focus on the task at hand – getting professional grade photographs of some of the most amazing food you’ve seen in the world. Get yourself a wedge of that finely aged cheese when you’re done – perfect reward!
4) Gran Vía
Those into urban photography will want to head to Gran Vía, a street that combines that busyness of modern Madrid with the buildings of its past. Fabulously dressed people mill from one luxury shop to the next while traffic buzzes along at the bottom on a canyon topped by buildings that are hundreds of years old. At night, the excitement of the theater district makes it a particularly interesting place to take pictures of interesting people!
5) Corral de la Moreria
One of the artistic traditions that Spain is famous for is Flamenco Dancing, and to capture it in motion is on the list of most photogs visiting this city. Corral de la Moreria is a famous place to capture this art in action, which comes with the bonus of a delicious Spanish dinner coming along with this performance.
Top Destinations In Paisley

The top destinations in Paisley may not be quite well-known compared to other cities, towns and abbeys in Scotland, but they are surely worth visiting. Founded 800 years ago around an abbey, Paisley has become a favourite haunt of the kings of Scotland. But the town’s wealth is much attributed to the growing textile industry, which gave rise to one of the most famous prints today, the Paisley print.
But there’s more to Paisley than textiles. So here are some of the top destinations in Paisley:
Paisley Abbey. This protestant church has a history dating back to 800 years and is the only abbey in Scotland to have survived the reformation. Its breathtaking architecture, marvellous stained glass and pruned gardens are worth noting, but it is its choir that makes this church worth visiting in Paisley.
Paisley Museum and Art Galleries. Discover the history and culture of Paisley by visiting the Paisley Museum and Art Galleries. One of the top destinations in Paisley, this museum has a vast collection of displays which include artefacts relics from the local weaving industry as well as artworks from various Scottish artists. The museum itself has a long history dating back 1871.
Glenifer Braes Country Park. Take a leisurely stroll along extensive pathways leading to as far as Barrhead and Johnstone, along the crest of the hill. It’s a great place to escape and unwind before heading out to other sites in Paisley.
Sma Shot Cottage. The great thing about Paisely is that much of the relics from the heydays of its textile industry is very much preserved. Case in point, the Sma Shot Cottages which were made in the 18th and 19th century. These cottages are where the weavers live and make their living. Visiting in one can give you an insight to the life of the weavers in Paisley 2 centuries ago.
Farmers Market. Stock up on fresh resources if you’re planning on staying longer in Paisley by visiting the Farmers Market. Fresh local produce is sold here, from poultry to vegetables. So if you’re on a tight budget and would rather cook your own food, the Farmer’s Market is a great place to go.