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Top Destinations In Paisley

The top destinations in Paisley may not be quite well-known compared to other cities, towns and abbeys in Scotland, but they are surely worth visiting. Founded 800 years ago around an abbey, Paisley has become a favourite haunt of the kings of Scotland. But the town’s wealth is much attributed to the growing textile industry, which gave rise to one of the most famous prints today, the Paisley print.
But there’s more to Paisley than textiles. So here are some of the top destinations in Paisley:
Paisley Abbey. This protestant church has a history dating back to 800 years and is the only abbey in Scotland to have survived the reformation. Its breathtaking architecture, marvellous stained glass and pruned gardens are worth noting, but it is its choir that makes this church worth visiting in Paisley.
Paisley Museum and Art Galleries. Discover the history and culture of Paisley by visiting the Paisley Museum and Art Galleries. One of the top destinations in Paisley, this museum has a vast collection of displays which include artefacts relics from the local weaving industry as well as artworks from various Scottish artists. The museum itself has a long history dating back 1871.
Glenifer Braes Country Park. Take a leisurely stroll along extensive pathways leading to as far as Barrhead and Johnstone, along the crest of the hill. It’s a great place to escape and unwind before heading out to other sites in Paisley.
Sma Shot Cottage. The great thing about Paisely is that much of the relics from the heydays of its textile industry is very much preserved. Case in point, the Sma Shot Cottages which were made in the 18th and 19th century. These cottages are where the weavers live and make their living. Visiting in one can give you an insight to the life of the weavers in Paisley 2 centuries ago.
Farmers Market. Stock up on fresh resources if you’re planning on staying longer in Paisley by visiting the Farmers Market. Fresh local produce is sold here, from poultry to vegetables. So if you’re on a tight budget and would rather cook your own food, the Farmer’s Market is a great place to go.