Category Archives: Living

How To Make Your Pad More Stylish

There is a cliché that a stylish home needs a woman’s touch, but surely that is no longer the case in the enlightened, metrosexual 21st century. Of course, we can’t all turn into interior designers overnight, so if your idea of stylish sophistication is a football-themed man cave, the following tips and tricks might be […]

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Source:: Unfinished Man

Empower dressing: fashion’s new mood for Autumn

Fashion’s embrace of cosy clothes for watching box sets is over. This season, designers are centring on a sharpened-up look – power dressing that empowersThe fashionable position to take on fashion, these days, is that trends are dead and that individual style and self-expression are what matters. The old certainties – skirts are hereby decreed knee length for six months, only camel coats are to be worn for the foreseeable – belong to a different era. To a bygone world in which political insiders gave ballpark-accurate election predictions and the Oscar statuette didn’t get handed to the wrong film in Read More

Source:: The Guardian

As an at-home dad, I’ve felt like paid work is valued more than raising happy kids

Amid the self-doubt, I watch all the lovely moments of parenting come and go knowing they’ll soon be forgotten – and I mourn their passing.My father wasn’t effusive with his love. At least not in the way my mother is. Or I am. My siblings and I lived with the comforting and affirming knowledge that he loved us – and if there’s one single thing you could ask from your father, apart from a trust fund, it’s this – but, when it came to Dad, cuddles, kisses and other acts of physical intimacy were rarely instigated by him. He’d always Read More

Source:: The Guardian

What I’m really thinking: the family court adviser

Both parents are usually adamant that the other is a complete nightmareI get called in when separated parents fail to agree over their children: who they live with, who they visit. So off I go to visit the first parent. Sad story: treated very badly by the other parent, who is despicable and should never be allowed near the children again. Then I visit the other parent: another sad but completely incompatible story. I feel sorry for them both. It is down to me to attempt to unpick which parent is lying the most. Sometimes talking to the children helps Read More

Source:: The Guardian

Should you use ‘vaginal seeding’ if your baby is born by caesarean?

Some parents are embracing the emerging process of replenishing newborns with lost bacteria – but doctors are warning against itThere has been an emerging trend among mothers who have a caesarean section for “vaginal seeding”, a process that exposes newborn babies to the micro-organisms they would normally encounter during vaginal birth. This week, though, Danish obstetricians writing in the international journal BJOG said that it “could do more harm than good”. Doctors at the UK’s Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists also warned against it.Although the research is new and untested, experts in award-winning documentary Microbirth suggest a link between Read More

Source:: The Guardian