Category Archives: Living

My boyfriend has difficulty climaxing. Is it because he masturbates too much?

He says he used to masturbate very regularly and believes he has become desensitised. The situation is taking its toll on him and I would dearly like to do something to helpI have been with my boyfriend for a while, and we have had plenty of sex but he has a hard time finishing. He says that he is very close to ejaculating but just can’t. We have each done research online, and looked into switching condoms, lubes, taking supplements and more. He often says that he used to masturbate very regularly and thinks that he may have become desensitised. Read More

Source:: The Guardian

How was your weekend running?

Read all about it, read all about it! Shocking news just in from the University of Running Studies! This just in from the University of Running Studies: early experiment results suggest that chocolate egg-based fuelling strategies may not be entirely successful. Yes, I know! Shocking, right? Who would have thought an entirely chocolate-based nutrition plan would not be ideal? Next they’ll be trying to prove that cake isn’t the perfect carb-loading food. I know, I know. But these scientists, they have these crazy theories … The long weekend has seen plenty of races, though top marks to any runners at Read More

Source:: The Guardian

How was your weekend running?

Read all about it, read all about it! Shocking news just in from the University of Running Studies! This just in from the University of Running Studies: early experiment results suggest that chocolate egg-based fuelling strategies may not be entirely successful. Yes, I know! Shocking, right? Who would have thought an entirely chocolate-based nutrition plan would not be ideal? Next they’ll be trying to prove that cake isn’t the perfect carb-loading food. I know, I know. But these scientists, they have these crazy theories … The long weekend has seen plenty of races, though top marks to any runners at Read More

Source:: The Guardian

5 ATV Essentials You Should Always Have With You

Today’s sportsmen use UTVs and ATVs either for hunting purposes or just to get to places where no other vehicles might be capable of getting them. But it doesn’t all boil down to buying the right vehicle for your needs. Once you’re in the possession of a four-wheeler, you should know that you should also […]

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Source:: Unfinished Man

Daniel Pink — How to Make Better Decisions and Be More Creative

Photo credit: Nina Subin
“Say something important rather than say important things.”
– Daniel Pink
This podcast explores how to make better decisions, ask better questions, and be more creative. The stories range from escapes to India and speechwriting for Al Gore, to writing bestselling books and using “motivational interviewing” with kids.
The guest is Daniel H. Pink (@danielpink), the author of six provocative books, including his newest, When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing. WHEN is a New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Washington Post, and Publishers Weekly bestseller. Pink’s other books include the long-running New York Times bestseller A Read More

Source:: Four Hour Work Week