Category Archives: Business
Here are the U.S. states that will be most affected by a trade war with China
While the U.S. and China edge closer to a trade war—with the Trump administration just now seeking an extra $100 billion in new tariffs on Chinese imports and China yesterday announcing tariffs on $50 billion worth of American goods—the stock market keeps swooning, and economists are raising alarm bells about the potential impact to the …
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While the U.S. and China edge closer to a trade war—with the Trump administration just now seeking an extra $100 billion in new tariffs on Chinese Read More
Source:: Fast Company
5 Podcasts Every Entrepreneur Should Download Today
These five podcasts are hosted by entrepreneurs who can help you build your business.
Source:: Entrepreneur
How to Become a Content Strategist and Master Storyteller
If you want to be a strategist, or just want to create a strategy for your business, watch how Jordan Scheltgen creates honest, compelling stories on a consistent basis.
Source:: Entrepreneur
Leverage Will Determine if China or the U.S. Come Out on Top in Trade Conflict
Economists agree: trade is mutually beneficial, trade deficits don’t matter and a country that imposes tariffs hurts itself, more so if it faces retaliation. So why would President Donald Trump threaten steep tariffs on Chinese imports, rattling stock markets?
It’s not just because Mr. Trump rejects the economics. It’s also because this is a negotiation, and a negotiator must show a tolerance for pain if his demands aren’t met. For Mr. Trump to succeed, China must believe its pain will exceed that of the U.S. in a trade war and settle on his terms.
Whether he’s right depends heavily on who has Read More
Source:: wsj
Signing off: 4 reasons Mastercard says it’s killing your signature next week
Let’s take a moment of silence to mourn the death of credit card signatures—or maybe let’s not, because everyone knows those illegible lines you scribble on paper receipts are functionally useless. Mastercard realizes it, too, which is why the company announced back in October that it would stop requiring retailers to capture signatures at checkouts …
Continue reading “Signing off: 4 reasons Mastercard says it’s killing your signature next week”
Let’s take a moment of silence to mourn the death of credit card signatures—or maybe let’s not, because everyone knows those illegible lines you scribble on paper receipts are functionally useless.
Source:: Fast Company